USUE supports mind sports

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted Ural Federal District Chess Championship among boys and girls under the age of 11 and 13, as well as among youngsters under 15, 17 and 19 years old. More than 500 best chess players from the region will take part in the competitions.

At the grand opening of the tournament, the welcoming speech was delivered by USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov, "This year, the participants came from many regions of Russia. For the Chess Federation, this is a landmark event. For the University it is also a holiday because our University trains managers and today it is difficult to imagine a modern leader or top manager without the skills of analytical thinking and the ability to think big and long-term."

Honorary President of the Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk region Igor Chernogolov thanked USUE for hospitality and congratulated the participants on the tournament launching. "This sport does develop intellectual abilities. Please remember, a man playing chess will always win a man watching TV", Igor Chernogolov said.

First Vice-President of the Chess Federation of the Sverdlovsk region Vladimir Savchuk said that today all chess fans are watching a very nice picture: the revival of the best traditions of mind sports in Russia, which were set up in the USSR. "Chess is an excellent way for children and youth development and upbringing. Our tournament is the semifinal of the championship of Russia. Four winners in each section will present our region in the finals in Sochi, while the winners of the fifth and sixth places will participate in the premier league competitions," he added.

The series of tournaments will be held daily and will end on November 14. The panel of judges will be headed by a high-end professional, a nationwide-category judge Natalia Makagon. The overall supervision of the competitions is carried out by Russian Chess Federation with the support of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk region.

It is worth noting that in August, USUE hosted the first in the Sverdlovsk region “Ural Chess Festival-2017” for the prizes of SKB Kontur. Chess players from Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions, Perm Krai, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, the Republics of Khakassia, Adygea, and Crimea, as well as from St. Petersburg and Moscow came to participate in the festival.

USUE management actively supports the development of chess in the University. The ability to make a comparative analysis, to think long-term, and to see possible combinations and moves in professional and life situations will ensure future economists a successful start in their careers. To hone these skills, USUE regularly hosts various chess tournaments and competitions among students.

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted Ural Federal District Chess Championship among boys and girls under the age of 11 and 13, as well as among youngsters under 15, 17 and 19 years old. More than 500 best chess players from the region will take part in the competitions.

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