USUE supports the holding of EXPO-2025 in Yekaterinburg

The Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin sent a letter to the Secretary General of the International Exhibitions Bureau Vicente Gonzalez Loscertales on the readiness to support the World Universal Exhibition "EXPO-2025" in Yekaterinburg. 

It should be noted that the Russian Federation filed an application for the EXPO-2025 in Yekaterinburg on May 22, 2017. To be nominated as a candidate city for the right to host EXPO-2025 means not only recognition of the successes of the social and economic development of the Sverdlovsk region but also a great responsibility. 

It should be noted that the Russian Federation filed an application for the EXPO-2025 in Yekaterinburg on May 22, 2017. To be nominated as a candidate city for the right to host EXPO-2025 means not only recognition of the successes of the social and economic development of the Sverdlovsk region but also a great responsibility.

I am sure that the most important industrial center of Russia – Yekaterinburg- being the fourth most populous city in the country and falling within one of the leaders in terms of pace and level of social and economic development, is able to organize the World Universal Exhibition at the highest level, " the letter of the Rector to the Secretary General of the International Exhibitions Bureau Vicente Gonzalez Loscertales says.

Yakov Silin also noted that the USUE faculty, students, and partners, the international network of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum would take an active part in the preparation and holding of the World Expo.

"EXPO-2025" in Yekaterinburg would be held under the theme "Changing the World: Inclusive Innovations – for Our Kids and Future Generations". This area is relevant for the Ural region and represents a serious scientific and practical interest for the entire world community, especially for the younger generation developing in the context of information society and high technologies. 

Ural State University of Economics is an initiator and leader of the Youth Eurasian Movement of Young Intellectuals, and already now actively promotes and supports the idea of holding EXPO-2025 in Yekaterinburg. It bears reminding that the University has a rich experience in conducting similar events. Since 2009, USUE hosts the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. Over eight years, more than 15 thousand people from 70 countries attended the EEYF. The topic of VIII EEYFM was "Eurasian Space: Neighborliness and Strategic Partnership." About two thousand people took part in its congresses of economists, financiers, innovators, specialists in the field of service technologies, and high school students, as well as in international competitions, Olympiads, and public lectures.

The forum is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Rosmolodezh, the Governor and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region.

The Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin sent a letter to the Secretary General of the International Exhibitions Bureau Vicente Gonzalez Loscertales on the readiness to support the World Universal Exhibition "EXPO-2025" in Yekaterinburg.

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