USUE showed a high level of financial management

Ural State University of Economics in 2016, with an adjustment in 2017, took 9th place in the rating of the quality of financial management of among higher educational institutions, subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation.

The RF Ministry of Education and Science annually generates a ranking of universities based on the accounting records of educational institutions, the plan of financial and economic activities, as well as data contained in the internal information systems of the Ministry.

The rating of the financial management quality includes 229 universities and USUE entered the group of organizations with the highest level of quality of financial management.

The Director of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law  Maxim Maramygin commented, "Universities were evaluated by the integrated index, which covers several parameters. Our University was appraised highly."

The results obtained by the rating will be considered by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science when distributing federal budget allocations to subsidize universities.

Ural State University of Economics in 2016, with an adjustment in 2017, took 9th place in the rating of the quality of financial management of among higher educational institutions, subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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