USUE will provide expert support to the Fund for Technological Development of Industry of the Sverdlovsk region

Ural State University of Economics signed an agreement on long-term cooperation and interaction with the Fund for Technological Development of Industry of the Sverdlovsk region. According to the document, assistance in the implementation of the industrial policy of the Russian Federation in the region will be provided in the development of the scientific, technical and production-technological potential of some production sectors.

Alexander Eberhard, CEO of the Fund for Technological Development of Industry of the Sverdlovsk region, noted that to date, this agreement is one of the first to the Fund. "High -skilled professionals and USUE reputation influenced this decision," he added.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin said that the University experts will participate in the assessment of risks for projects that are expected to be carried out in different sectors of the region. "The Fund has a powerful financial resource but for its implementation, they need proficient developments of a package of documents and expert evaluation. It will be given by USUE," the Rector said.

The interaction during the expertise and selection of projects and documents for financing from the Fund will take place based on scientific, technical, industrial, financial, economic, and legal criteria. Besides, USUE together with the Fund will develop procedures and mechanisms of assistance to entities of industrial activity in the preparation of documents for participation in the programs of projects financing.

According to the agreement, the parties plan to create an expert-consulting center at USUE. Information support of industrial entities will be provided on the principle of "one window". The consultation will be available in terms of ongoing scientific and technical and innovation activities, as well as attracting financial and non-financial measures to support industrial production to produce competitive products at the federal and regional levels.

In addition, it is planned to conduct joint activities aimed at informing the industrial enterprises in the region on Fund activities, as well as on scientific, technical and innovative activities of USUE employees exercised in accordance with the priorities of Russia's industrial policy development. 

The State Fund for Technological Development of Industry of the Sverdlovsk region is part of the infrastructure supporting activities in the field of modernization of Russian industry, organization of new productions and provision of import substitution. 

The purpose of the Fund is to assist in the implementation of the industrial policy of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk region and the implementation of support measures provided to the industrial entities.

Types of Fund activities:

  1. provision of loans to industrial entities for the implementation of projects;
  2. provision of financial support to business entities on a non-refundable and irretrievable basis;
  3. organization and holding of exhibitions, symposiums, conferences, lectures, including with the participation of foreign legal entities and individuals;
  4. international cooperation in the areas corresponding to the competences of the Fund, the organization of international events; 
  5. promotion and implementation of projects and initiatives to improve the image of industrial entities;
  6. leasing out the property of the Fund in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  7. carrying out the selection and examination of projects of industrial entities in accordance with the established procedure with a view to providing them with financial support, including scientific, technical, economic, financial, investment, legal, marketing, organizational, and managerial expertise, and other.

Ural State University of Economics signed an agreement on long-term cooperation and interaction with the Fund for Technological Development of Industry of the Sverdlovsk region. According to the document, assistance in the implementation of the industrial policy of the Russian Federation in the region will be provided in the development of the scientific, technical and production-technological potential of some production sectors.

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