USUE receives new year greetings from foreign colleagues

The Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yekaterinburg, Matthias Kruze, met with the rector of Ural State Economic University Yakov Silin and congratulated the staff of the Ural state University of Economics on the upcoming New Year.

It is important to note that the leading economic University of the Urals has established and maintains close ties with the Federal Republic of Germany on education, science and culture. 

At this point in the framework of interuniversity cooperation act agreements with universities such as the European University of applied Sciences (Bruhl), European University Viadrina (Frankfurt on the Oder), University of applied Sciences (Bochum), Technical University of Dresden (work in the framework of projects Erasmus Mundus and Erasmus + Capacity building), Stuttgart Institute of management and technology, Berlin University of Steinbeis, University of applied Sciences (Wiesbaden).
In the 2016-2017 academic year, students from the European specialized University of Bruhl were trained at USUE. Every year, USUE students take part in the exchange program at the European University of Viadrina, the European specialized University of Bruhl. In the 2018-2019 academic year, it is planned to continue active cooperation in the framework of academic mobility with all USUE partner universities and sign new agreements with other universities. Thus, in 2017, cooperation was established with the University of applied Sciences (Bochum). It is planned to accept students from a partner University and send USUE students as part of academic mobility.??

The Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yekaterinburg, Matthias Kruze, met with the rector of Ural State Economic University Yakov Silin and congratulated the staff of the Ural state University of Economics on the upcoming New Year.

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