USUE took part in the action Student Troopers in Verkny Ufaley

January 25, the police officers of the Interior Ministry's department in the Verkhny Ufaley urban district, members of the public council, and veterans of the internal affairs bodies conducted an excursion around the building of the department, timed to the National action of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia "Student Troopers". Students, school leavers and teachers were invited to the event.

The meeting was opened by deputy police chief, Major Artem Lukin, who congratulated everybody on the Student's Day and explained that the excursion will be dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian police. Then, with a presentation on the history of the Ufaley militia - police, was made by a guest of the event, Deputy Chairman of the City Assembly of Deputies and the Associate Professor at the USUE Department of Business Law Ivan Evseev. The students and school seniors listened to him with special interest: Ivan Evseev showed the historical documents and attributes associated with the tsarist police. Ivan also talked about the opportunities of training Jurisprudence and Economics at USUE, which specialists are currently in demand with the police.

The students visited the local museum of the department, which founder and custodian is the chairperson of the Council of Veterans, a retired Major of Militia Alexander Veshnyakov. They saw some stands with photographs of frontline militiamen, items that in the various Soviet periods helped police in uncovering crimes, and much more.

The head of the department, Lieutenant Colonel of Internal Service Elena Gilmanova spoke about the specifics of admission to higher education institutions of the RF Ministry of Interior.

Irina Popkova, youth liaison officer, informed about the responsibility that is provided for committing crimes and offenses and wished teenagers not to be registered with the police.

Captain of Internal Service Valery Bessonov demonstrated training weapons and special equipment; the students tried on helmets, body armor, and shields, held in their hands practice submachine gun and Makarov gun.

Next, the school seniors and students were shown a temporary detention facility and the Police Dog Service, where they could see police assistants - trained four-legged pets.

The meeting was completed with a general photograph at the building of the department. The students, school leavers, and teachers thanked police officers and other participants of the All-Russia action "Student Troopers" for an informative and useful excursion.

January 25, the police officers of the Interior Ministry's department in the Verkhny Ufaley urban district, members of the public council, and veterans of the internal affairs bodies conducted an excursion around the building of the department, timed to the National action of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia "Student Troopers". Students, school leavers and teachers were invited to the event.

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