USUE vice-rector for social work Roman Krasnov and the head of the USUE International Cooperation Office Evgenia Stepanova visited the forum of officers of the international departments of higher educational institutions "From the priority project ‘Development of Export Potential of Russian Education System’ to the federal project ‘Export of Education’". 

The priority project “Development of Export Potential of Russian Education System” as part of the federal project “Export of Education” is implemented by the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) together with the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. 

The target audience of the forum is vice-rectors for international activities, officers of international services of higher and secondary vocational education institutions, and heads and officers of education authorities.
 The forum program is aimed at the development of necessary skills and competencies for the implementation of professional activities in the field of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students.

USUE vice-rector for social work Roman Krasnov and the head of the USUE International Cooperation Office Evgenia Stepanova visited the forum of officers of the international departments of higher educational institutions "From the priority project ‘Development of Export Potential of Russian Education System’ to the federal project ‘Export of Education’".

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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