USUE took part in the Olympiad in Criminalistics

May 23, the Department of Public Law jointly with the Department of Business Law held the 1st interuniversity Olympiad in Criminalistics "Trace" for students majoring in Jurisprudence. The participants were students of Yekaterinburg universities (USUE, USPU, RANEPA Ural Institute of Management, Ural Juridical Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,). Overall, five teams took part and they were mixed, which made it possible to rally the participants.

The participants of the Olympiad demonstrated theoretical and practical training, professional skills in forensic science and investigation of economic crimes, as well as the ability to practice modern technologies and software systems in practice.

The Olympiad is aimed at testing the abilities of young specialists to systemic actions in a professional situation, analyzing and designing their activities, expanding the range of professional skills in criminalistics, improving the skills of independent work and developing professional thinking, increasing responsibility for the work performed, developing the ability to independently and efficiently solve problems in the field of professional activities, including the investigation of economic crimes.

The winners of the Olympiad were:

1 place - the team "VBEK" (the academic advisor - E. Morozova. Ph.D. in Law, associate professor);

2 place - the team "Magnificent Six" (academic advisor - I. Soshnikova, Ph.D. in Social Sciences, associate professor);

3 place - the team "Children of Sherlock Holmes" (academic advisor - M. Chudinovskikh, Ph.D. in Law, associate professor).

May 23, the Department of Public Law jointly with the Department of Business Law held the 1st interuniversity Olympiad in Criminalistics "Trace" for students majoring in Jurisprudence. The participants were students of Yekaterinburg universities (USUE, USPU, RANEPA Ural Institute of Management, Ural Juridical Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,). Overall, five teams took part and they were mixed, which made it possible to rally the participants.

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