USUE develops patriotism

Students of USUE institutes and College visited operating missile military unit 93401 in Svobodny. The students were accompanied by Sergey Voronin, Colonel of the Russian Armed Forces, Hero of Russia, and advisor to the USUE Rector.

The missile regiment was established in the post-war years. Today, there is the latest mobile missile complex without peer in the world.

The students became acquainted with the life of military personnel in the barracks, held small arms in their hands, went into the Temple of St. George, and had lunch in the soldiers' canteen. The most interesting was the exposure to the specialized system support vehicle and an autonomous launching platform YARS.

A third-year student of the USUE College Polina Shirokova told about her impressions, "I really liked the tour. We often see news on the Internet and on TV about the possibilities of our military men, but to get to know this in real life is quite another thing. When you stand next to a missile launcher that can be activated at any moment, you go inside and you see how everything is arranged, it takes a breath away."

Ural State University of Economics pays much attention to the patriotic education of youth. Such excursions, as well as monthly meetings with Heroes of the Russian Federation, help take pride in our country. It is impossible to be a responsible manager or a leader, to make serious decisions without being a patriot of one's homeland.

Students of USUE institutes and College visited operating missile military unit 93401 in Svobodny. The students were accompanied by Sergey Voronin, Colonel of the Russian Armed Forces, Hero of Russia, and advisor to the USUE Rector.

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