USUE develops a system of continuing education in the Urals

November 22, at USUE there were signed cooperation agreements on continuing education between the Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk region, Ural State University of Economics and colleges of the region.

Acting Minister of Education of the Sverdlovsk region Yuri Zelenov welcomed directors of 27 universities and colleges of the region, after which the parties proceeded to the signing.

"I am glad that we have found mutual understanding. Today, there are real leaders here; you are the backbone that I could rely on. It is noteworthy that you have come to this decision yourselves; you really have a headache about the future of your students,"- Yuri Zelenov said.

The parties agreed to develop perspective areas of cooperation in the field of education, develop and implement educational programs, exchange educational materials, and provide scientific and methodological assistance within the system of continuing education.

Besides, agreements between colleges, technical schools, and the university will ensure an efficient use of material, technical and intellectual potentials of the parties.

"Today we are documenting what we have already developed in practice. This allows us to build a complete system. We all have something that we could do perfectly well, you will share your experience and we will share ours because we do not compete, we complement each other," USUE Rector Yakov Silin addressed the heads of colleges and technical schools.

It should be noted that the interaction is aimed at the formation of a single educational space for improving the quality of education based on systematic professionally oriented activities to shape student’s stable motivation for learning and professional activity.

November 22, at USUE there were signed cooperation agreements on continuing education between the Ministry of Education of the Sverdlovsk region, Ural State University of Economics and colleges of the region.

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