USUE again boosted its QS EECA 2022 ranking

December 16, 2021, the British rating agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) presented an updated release of the QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings 2022.

Among the total number of higher education institutions of this region, Ural State University of Economics maintains the 300-350th position even though in 2021 EECA rating increased by 50 universities (in 2020, 400 institutions were rated, including 121 from the Russian Federation). In EECA 2022, 450 best universities were assessed, with 129 institutions representing Russia. Among national universities, USUE rose from 98th to 85th position.

British analysts of the QS agency highly scored the University for international orientation (the number of international students), academic reputation (academic staff with scientific degrees and faculty-student ratio), and research activity (citation per USUE faculty in Scopus).

The QS Eastern Europe & Central Asia ranking was first published in 2014. To track the performance of HEIs in developing Europe and Central Asia the ranking uses an adapted methodology of the QS global university rankings, which is also similar to the methodologies applied in other regional QS rankings. A total of ten criteria are assessed, each contributing in some way to the overall score of a university. Ranking results can be sorted to compare universities by each of these ten indicators. Compared to 2020, the published part of the ranking has been expanded from 400 to 450. However, in 2014 it contained 100 universities, in 2015 - 150 universities, in 2016 - 200, in 2017-2018 - 300, and in 2020 - 400. You can learn more about the rating results on the QS official website.

December 16, 2021, the British rating agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) presented an updated release of the QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings 2022.

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