USUE became a platform for a federal project

Ural State University of Economics has become a regional educational platform for the project "National system of training and professional development of tourism industry professionals".

The project has been running since 2015 and currently unites 43 regional educational sites. Participants in a nationwide training system have already developed and implemented 15 programs of additional professional education in e-learning and full-time forms.

The participation of our University in the federal project assigns a special status to us. The information about USUE will be posted on the official website of the project and when tourism industry experts apply for matters concerning programs of additional vocational training, they will be recommended the immediate regional area.

The scale of the project allows the dissemination of information about the educational site within the tourist professional community. Based on the results of the training, students, in addition to certificates of completion, will also be issued certificates of Rostourism.

This project will be implemented by the Department of Tourism Business and Hospitality (Department chair – E.Kurilova) and the Institute of Further Professional Education (Acting Director - S. Kuznetsov).

More detailed information about the programs and terms of training will be posted on the sites:

Department of Tourism Business and Hospitality

Institute of Further Professional Education

Ural State University of Economics has become a regional educational platform for the project "National system of training and professional development of tourism industry professionals".

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

Просмотров: 2020