USUE turned to be a site of STENOGRAFFIA festival

At the International Street Art Festival, an Argentinean artist Elian Chali painted one of the walls of Ural State University of Economics.

Elian Chali is rightfully considered a star of the world street art. For 10 years now, he has been creating striking works using the hallmarks of his style: basic geometry, abstraction, and contrasting color schemes. A mural, which now decorates the USUE building frontage from Kuibyshev street, stands out in the context of the city with its bold colors and clear forms.

The artist's works open up a discussion between people and urban space. The main idea of ​​all his works is to show that life in the city is something more than the daily commute. Elian Chali's abstractions call for a dialogue between the artist and urban community because each of them can endow the work with their special meanings. “Abstraction does not give pre-prepared answers; you need to get through to them yourself. And it also works like a bridge: I build one part, and passers-by - another. I enjoy working in different environments. There are many countries, which means there are many contexts and conditions,” the artist noted.

The architectural form of the wall was also important for the artist, as he wanted to work with a non-standard surface. Therefore, the wall of the USUE House of Culture has become the most suitable canvas for the author. Besides its scale (the wall area is 400 sq. m.), this surface is characterized by its rhythm of panels, on which Elian applied abstract forms, thereby setting a new dynamic to space.

At the International Street Art Festival, an Argentinean artist Elian Chali painted one of the walls of Ural State University of Economics.

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