The USUE delegation visited partner universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan

As part of a working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rector of Ural State University of Economics, Yakov Silin, took part in the research-to-practice conference "The 90th Anniversary of the University: History, Present, and Future" at the Tashkent State Economic University, and met with the heads of partner universities of Uzbekistan.

Apart from the rector, among the members of the USUE delegation was the director of the Institute of Continuing and Distance Education, Ekaterina Yalunina. At the conference, she acted as an expert in the competition of research papers and start-up projects - "Student Youth and Innovation".


At the University of World Economy and Diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Yakov Silin met with its Vice-Rector for International Relations, S.S. Saidkasymov, dean of the Faculty of International Economics and Management, M.M. Khamdamov, head of the International Cooperation Department, A.I. Mukhitdinov, dean of the Magistracy Department, O.M. Nayimov, the head of the Department of Science, R.A. Ernazarov, and the head of the Department of Russian and Uzbek languages, ​​M.D. Abdurakhmanova.


Following the meeting, the parties agreed to hold online thematic research-to-practice conferences to discuss economic problems and other hot issues in compliance with specialized areas of training of universities and to develop a roadmap for joint events for the year.

Another meeting was with the rector of the partner Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tulkin Teshabaev, at which they discussed programs for academic exchange of students and teachers, joint research projects, participation of the teaching staff in advanced professional education programs, and preparation for the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

During the meeting at TFI, they reached agreements on the development of a joint master's program and the arrangement of academic mobility programs for students and teachers. 

As part of a working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rector of Ural State University of Economics, Yakov Silin, took part in the research-to-practice conference "The 90th Anniversary of the University: History, Present, and Future" at the Tashkent State Economic University, and met with the heads of partner universities of Uzbekistan.

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