USUE has improved its positions in the National Aggregate Ranking — 2023

Ural State University of Economics entered the 2nd league of the National Aggregate Ranking — 2023.

To create our own national rankings of universities is a priority task set by the President of Russia. The National Aggregate Ranking of Universities (NARU), which combines the strengths of disparate assessment procedures (rankings, accreditation systems, and open databases) is a proper tool for positioning and competition in the education market and the basis for higher education monitoring in the country. NARU can be used by a wide audience - both by applicants when choosing a university and by university administration for self-testing and strategic planning.

The methodology of the National Aggregate Ranking includes 12 rankings that meet the requirements of publicity (complete information is publicly available), stability (at least three years of existence), mass character (at least 100 universities are assessed), and periodicity (assessment is carried out annually).

The high position of USUE in the National Aggregate Ranking is primarily due to the presence of the university in the International Recognition Ranking and the HeadHunter Ranking, as well as due to the achievement of competitive ranking indicators based on the assessment of the publication activity of the academic staff, the educational activities of the university, and the demand for university graduates.

It is worth to note a significant share of universities of the Sverdlovsk region in the National Aggregate Ranking 2023. This year, 23 higher education organizations represented our region.

You can see the results of the ranking here.

Ural State University of Economics entered the 2nd league of the National Aggregate Ranking — 2023

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