More than 1100 people checked their knowledge of economics at USUE

For the third time, Ural State University of Economics hosted the All-Russia Economic Dictation. This year, the number of participants in the annual educational campaign grew: more than 1100 university and high school students decided to test their knowledge of economics.

The organizers of the event - the Free Economic Society of Russia - outlined the theme of dictation 2019: "Strong economy - prosperous Russia. "The dictation was held in four spacious classrooms of the University. Despite the record number of participants, there was enough space for everyone. The test consisted of 20 questions, which had to be answered within an hour.

“We talk much about the economy at home criticizing it and here you can check your level of knowledge. One should not be afraid of it. Understanding the economy, we can see and build development prospects in our own family, in the city, in the region, and in the country. The purpose of such dictations is to popularize the literacy in these matters, covering all categories of citizens, starting from school age,” said Yakov Silin, USUE rector.  

The event was attended by over 200 school students. According to the rector, these are mainly senior school students who are now choosing their way. 
“It is very cool that among school students there are those who were not afraid to come and test their knowledge. Now it is high time for them to gage strength, and it is important to give them such an opportunity,” Yakov Silin added.

For the third time, Ural State University of Economics hosted the All-Russia Economic Dictation. This year, the number of participants in the annual educational campaign grew: more than 1100 university and high school students decided to test their knowledge of economics.

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