June 2018, USUE jointly with the University of Dunaújváros (Hungary) won the grant of the European Commission "Erasmus + Mobility".

USUE began cooperation with the University of Dunaújváros in autumn 2017 when the rector   István András met with the leadership of the Ural State University of Economics.

The grant provides for teaching USUE students in English for 5 months at the University of Dunaújváros, as well as for the exchange of teaching staff. The project will start on September 1, 2018. The program is designed for 2 years.

Since the beginning of 2018, USUE has been implementing a project Erasmus +  Capacity  Building  "Improving the Teaching at Higher Education in Russia and China." Marina Vidrevich, associate professor, Department of Public and Municipal Administration, and an “Erasmus +” project coordinator says,   " In Russia, we follow the Bologna system, but we do not fully use the European experience and do not take into account some essential things. The grant gives such an opportunity. The project should result in the creation of a center for the improvement of professional pedagogical skills of university lecturers. "

According to the project coordinator, to date, a model is being created to improve the pedagogical skills of university lecturers and develop methodological materials. "Our university is responsible for creating a model of the center and for disseminating the results of the project. In 2020, we will hold a huge European conference to disseminate this experience," Marina Vidrevich added.

We would like to remind that " Erasmus +" is a program of the European Union to support education, training, youth, and sports in Europe. Its budget is 14.7 billion euros.

 On the photo, the rector of Dunaújváros University István András and the USUE vice-rector for academic work Sergei Rogozhin.

Проректор по учебной работе УрГЭУ Сергей Рогожин


June 2018, USUE jointly with the University of Duna?jv?ros (Hungary) won the grant of the European Commission "Erasmus + Mobility".

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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