USUE waltzed townpeople round

The Waltz of Victory action is being held at USUE for the fifth time. A Dance flashmob is dedicated to the celebration of the Great Victory. It became   one of the links in the general business of fostering patriotic feelings and respect for the past and history of Russia among young people, as well as devotion to the native country.   This year the event was held in the center of Yekaterinburg, in the Historical Square. Admiration of the townspeople knew no bounds.
Music compositions of the war years warmed the hearts of participants and guests, and then the waltzers were welcomed by drummers.   The action started with congratulations of USUE rector Yakov Silin.   “I think, our event, which is now covering many cities, would take over the whole country. As the Immortal Regiment, Waltz of Victory is one of the opportunities to thank our ancestors. It will be a bridge of memory and gratitude of new generations to their grandfathers and great-grandfathers," Yakov Silin congratulated the audience.   

The Waltz of Victory action is being held at USUE for the fifth time. A Dance flashmob is dedicated to the celebration of the Great Victory. It became   one of the links in the general business of fostering patriotic feelings and respect for the past and history of Russia among young people, as well as devotion to the native country. 

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