USUE entered the regional QS EECA rating 2020

October 15, 2019, the QS rating agency (Quacquarelli Symonds) produced an updated version of QS Universities Rankings: Emerging Europe and Central Asia 2020.

In total, it ranks 354 best universities in the territory represented, including 105 universities from Russia. It is worth noting that the EECA rankings being expanded up to 350 universities replaced the two previous versions of rankings for BRICS and EECA regions due to the serious coincidence of most of the universities lists.
In the new rankings, Ural State University of Economics enters line #301-350. It is the second university in the Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg (apart from Ural Federal University), which could achieve such high results.

There are no other Yekaterinburg universities in the rankings.
British analysts at QS agency highly scored USUE in international orientation (international students and international faculty), academic activity (staff with a Ph.D.) and research (citations of USUE papers in Scopus).

October 15, 2019, the QS rating agency (Quacquarelli Symonds) produced an updated version of QS Universities Rankings: Emerging Europe and Central Asia 2020.

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