On the eve of the most magical holiday of the year, the staff, faculty and veterans of the Ural state University of Economics visited the new year's rector's ball. 

USUE rector Yakov Silin, summing up the results of 2019, addressed his colleagues: "the Outgoing year will be remembered by everyone in their own way: professional achievements, sports results, events of personal or family life. For a whole year, each of us made an effort to make it possible. Thanks to the determination, the support of colleagues, relatives and friends, we have reason to be proud of ourselves. Speaking of this, I also mean our common university successes. I thank everyone who supported and inspired us, worked hard and studied. It is important that you take only bright happy memories with you in the New Year and keep the best days. Let the planned plans be successfully implemented in 2020, and in life there will always be a place for bright and joyful days! ” 

The outgoing year has become very fruitful and eventful for USUE.

In 2019, 4,520 applicants for undergraduate programs, 526 for master's programs, 436 for college, 25 for graduate school were accepted to the first year. The number of applicants replenished by 5507 and as of December 1, 2019 amounted to 16,476 people. For the full-time undergraduate accepted 1 225 people. The results of the exam for applicants enrolled in 2019 show a high level of preparation for the development of educational programs implemented by the university. The average exam score in 2019 compared with 2018 increased from 62.9 to 63.8 points. 

In 2019, 13 new undergraduate profiles appeared at the university, such as: business analytics, real estate management technologies, engineering of technological equipment. 12 new master's programs: financial markets and investments; economic security of the state and business; personnel management and data about people and others.

The award Of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region to pedagogical workers from among the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher education in the Sverdlovsk region in 2019 was awarded to I. N. Tkachenko in the category "Professor of the year" and D. M. Nazarov in the category "associate Professor of the year".

28 students received scholarships: a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation, a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, a scholarship from the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, a scholarship from the Academic Council of the University, a scholarship from Professor Veselov NG, a scholarship from RIO-Import.

In September 2019, the University opened a Legal Clinic. The unit provides free legal assistance in the form of legal advice in oral and written forms, preparation of applications, complaints, petitions and other legal documents on civil and administrative, financial, and other issues.

In 2019, scientists from Ural State Economic University won 19 grants from the Russian Federal Property Fund, 2 from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 1 from the President of the Russian Federation for a total of 15.6 million rubles. In 2019, 150 applications were submitted for participation in grants, tenders and other competitions.

In 2019, the Ural Economic Forum "Ural - the driver of neo-industrial and innovative development of Russia" was held for the first time at Ural State Economic University, which brought together more than 600 participants, including the largest representatives of business and government of the Ural region. At the Forum, a plenary report and an open lecture were made by Sergey Dmitrievich Bodrunov, President of the Free Economic Society.
In 3 dissertation councils of Ural State Economic University for 2019, 20 dissertations (including 3 doctoral ones) were defended. The employees of USUU successfully defended 12 dissertations, including 2 doctoral.

Significant growth of indicators is observed in journals published in USUE. According to the SCIENCE INDEX integral indicator, the journal “Journal of New Economy” is in the TOP 25 on the topic “Economics. Economic sciences ”(position 24), with the impact factor in the RSCI more than one. The scientific and analytical journal "Manager" took 4th place in the field of "Organization and Management" in Russia, as well as 26th in economic sciences. It continues to be indexed by Web of Science and is already being evaluated by experts for inclusion in Scopus and RSCI. Separately, it is worth noting the journal "Food Industry", which this year was adopted by the Higher Attestation Commission.

On the eve of the most magical holiday of the year, the staff, faculty and veterans of the Ural state University of Economics visited the new year's rector's ball.

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