Gym class from the the UMMC Basketball Club Champions

An unusual Gym class? was held in the sports complex of the Ural state University of Economics. It was held by participants of the UMMC basketball club, Euroleague and Russian Champions Natalia Vieru and Alba Torrens. More than 150 USUE students came to meet them. 

Under the guidance of their coach, Veronica Karmazzi, the girls showed the guys the elements of daily warm-UPS that they perform before matches and training sessions. Students completed a cycle of exercises using the Tabata workout together with basketball players and received a charge of positive emotions.

USUE became the first University where UMMC basketball players performed sports exercises this year. The Club plans to attract as many children and young people as possible to basketball and hold such meetings on a regular basis in educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region.?

An unusual Gym class? was held in the sports complex of the Ural state University of Economics. It was held by participants of the UMMC basketball club, Euroleague and Russian Champions Natalia Vieru and Alba Torrens.

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