Starting from June 13, at the USUE Unified Laboratory Complex (ULC), the staff and students of the University will be able to check the quality and safety of the water they use at home or at dacha.

The water is examined by six indicators. The analysis will reveal the presence of heavy metal salts in water (copper, lead, cadmium, and zinc), study antioxidant activity, pH level , estimate the oxidation-reduction potential of water and concentration of soluble oxygen in it, as well as the level of specific electrical conductivity.

How to evaluate the results of a sample analysis? For example, a high concentration of heavy metals salts entails the development of cancer, a violation of pH triggers the formation of renal gravel, and redox imbalance results in hormonal failure of the glands of internal secretion, excess weight, and water retention.
According to the results of the research study, a customer will receive an act with a recommendatory conclusion, for example, on filters set-up and dietary guidelines.

The test of one indicator requires 10 to 30 minutes, that is, the analysis can be ready in an hour.
The fee for the service is rather low: 230 rubles. Hurry up! The special offer for the USUE staff and students will last only until July 2.
Natalia Kolberg, a lead researcher of the Eurasian Academy of USUE-UB RAS, director of the Laboratory Complex, Candidate of Biological Science, associate professor, tells:
“The purpose of our action is to take care of USUE employees and students health, and, of course, to show the capabilities of the laboratory. In particular, the instruments "Rosa" and "Iskra" will be used for laboratory testing of water samples. Our methods are simple in use and relatively inexpensive in comparison with those used by Rospotrebnadzor. Not everyone can afford a water analysis worth 2.5 thousand rubles, so our university action is unique.”

It is worth mentioning that the Unified Laboratory Complex of research services was established at USUE in 2016 to unite all the laboratories of the University and to improve students' knowledge. According to a specially developed strategy for the development of the ULC, the most advanced equipment of the international level was purchased. At the ULC, students are trained to work with equipment that they will use at enterprises in the future.

Water samples should be submitted to classroom 213 in small glass containers. There you will sign a contract for the service. Samples of water can be taken from both the tap and the well. If you are interested in the difference in the composition of water, for example, in the kitchen and in the bathroom, then you need to bring two samples. You should put the date, time, and source of water intake on the containers.

Starting from June 13, at the USUE Unified Laboratory Complex (ULC), the staff and students of the University will be able to check the quality and safety of the water they use at home or at dacha.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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