5th Interactive Congress of Undergraduate and Graduate Students

November 1, 2017, 5th Interactive Congress of Undergraduate and Graduate Students «Strategies for Innovative Development: Theory and Practice» started its work.

The Congress is held in an interactive form. One can take part in the forum until November 14, 2017. To participate you need to register at http://congress.usue.ru/

On November 16, following the results of the Congress, a roundtable will be held At USUE (room 150, at 16:00 — 18:00).

We invite everyone to participate in the 5th Interactive Congress of Undergraduate and Graduate Students. It is a research platform for USUE students as well as scientists, faculty members of the University, and employers.

November 1, 2017, 5th Interactive Congress of Undergraduate and Graduate Students «Strategies for Innovative Development: Theory and Practice» started its work.

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