Ural State University of Economics expresses gratitude to the Sverdlovsk regional public organization “International Union of Diasporas” for supporting foreign students of USUE during the pandemic. More than two hundred students received humanitarian assistance.

"Students received food packages with potatoes, onion, cucumbers, carrot, and paprika as well as cereals, pasta, canned food, sugar, and tomato paste. Besides food, all of them were provided with face masks. Students will regularly receive humanitarian assistance during the pandemic," the officials of the Union added. The next package will include sanitary and hygiene aids.  

If you or your friends wish to help those in need, the Sverdlovsk regional public organization “International Union of Diasporas” is always ready to consider your application or initiative and assist in organizing a charity action.

Ural State University of Economics expresses gratitude to the Sverdlovsk regional public organization “International Union of Diasporas” for supporting foreign students of USUE during the pandemic. More than two hundred students received humanitarian assistance.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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