Today, the grand opening of the Festival of Cultures “Around the World in Seven Days” took place. The University hosts the annual international event for the fourth time. This year, more than 200 representatives from 30 countries of the world participate in it.

This time, the Festival of Cultures at USUE is being held in parallel with the events of the VIII All-Russia Congress of the Association of International Students.

“Today we are talking about the culture of these peoples, their features and traditions. This brings us closer to each other, helps mutual understanding and promotes friendship. We are different, but not aliens: together we are to build our future. I am glad to see you all at Ural State University of Economics,” USUE rector Yakov Silin addressed the festival participants.
“Look around! We are all members of our cultures, and in this cultural diversity the richness of this world lies. I believe that we need always to stick together, regardless of our location,” the chairman of the Association of International Students of Russia Adu Yao Nikez welcomed the audience.

“This is the third time that we present the national cuisine of Tajikistan at this festival. Today we offer you to try beef pilaf, manti, samosa, dried fruits, and a Tadjik flag-shaped cake. The meals were cooked by our students from Tajikistan; it took them more than a day," said a student of the USUE Institute of Economics Eradzh Boboev.

Today, the grand opening of the Festival of Cultures “Around the World in Seven Days” took place. The University hosts the annual international event for the fourth time. This year, more than 200 representatives from 30 countries of the world participate in it.

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