In tune with the times

USUE earned a spot in the ranking of the best Russian universities based on the quality of AI specialists’ training, compiled by the specialized association AI Alliance. The list of the best universities included only three universities in the Sverdlovsk region.

The ranking covered a total of 207 universities from 69 regions of Russia offering bachelor’s or specialist’s degree programs in AI.


The criteria for evaluating this rating were the demand for graduates among employers, the relevance of the training process in the field of AI, the educational environment, and activity in the development of school education.

Ural State University of Economics has entered the ranking for the second year and maintains its position. This became possible thanks to the comprehensive work in the field of artificial intelligence held by the staff and students of the USUE Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security.


So, master’s students from the USUE Department of Business Informatics developed models for forecasting financial markets, classifying threats to information security, and an intellectual model for assessing applicants. Bachelor’s students developed an intelligent system for predicting demand for healthy food retail products, and online consulting chatbots that use natural language processing to communicate with users and provide them with the information they need. Besides, based on GPT technologies, they created a program to answer questions related to information security.


“USUE is a non-core university in this field, so it is of prestige to be included in this ranking. The number of people wishing to major in the areas of training implemented by our department is growing every year. Students see prospects in this area and strive to receive a quality education that will make them work at top tech companies. Our graduates are quite in demand in the labor market. Many of them successfully work for large IT companies, banks, and retail. We receive positive feedback from employers and take their comments into account in our work, improving the practical skills of our students,” Dmitry Nazarov, head of the USUE Department of Information Security, said.

This is the first ranking of universities in the country based on the quality of training of specialists in artificial intelligence. The methodology has received agreement from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Early, USUE was included in the top 100 best universities in Russia in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities 2024.

USUE has entered the ranking of the best universities in terms of the quality of AI specialists training

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