The Department of Foreign Languages ??has existed at SINH (now Ural State University of Economics) since the first day of the University. The teachers of the Department have accumulated rich experience in curricula design, which are used in the formation of third-generation programs. Olga Sokolova, chair of the USUE Department of Foreign Languages, explained the modern approach to teaching a foreign language. 


- What foreign universities does the Department collaborate with, and what is this cooperation?  

- Cooperation with foreign universities, for the most part, takes place in the research field. Foreign scientists willingly participate in our Department events and invite our teachers to their conferences. Among the recent events, we can mention the participation in the conference of the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Inalco) in Paris and presentations of researchers from the St. Laurent Institute of Liège. We plan to develop cooperation with some universities in Germany as part of the DAAD academic exchange program. Joint projects on student exchange and double-degree programs are being developed with S. Bolivar University in Peru and Tashkent University.

 In the field of educational activities, the Department of Foreign Languages, as a rule, serves as a mediator in organizing projects of degree-granting departments and provides linguistic support for international events of USUE with the participation of delegations from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.


- Tell us, please, about the DAAD program: can USUE students participate in it and what prospects does it open for them? 

- Students of any university can participate in programs financed by the DAAD German Academic Exchange Program. It offers, through competition, summer courses of the German language in Germany, study tours of student groups led by a teacher, and training at German universities.

 The most interesting, in our opinion, are postgraduate programs, including those for graduates of economic specialties: European Recovery Program (ERP), scholarships for economists to pursue Master’s degree studies ERP- Studienstipendien für Graduierte der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, ERP Study Scholarships for Graduates of Economics and Business Administration lasting 18-24 months. The procedure for applying and submitting documents is not easy but for serious and ambitious graduates and students it is quite feasible.

Together with the USUE International Cooperation Office, our teachers are ready to assist you in choosing a program and preparing an application. Do learn foreign languages, be mobile, and strive for new horizons!

The Department of Foreign Languages ??has existed at SINH (now Ural State University of Economics) since the first day of the University. The teachers of the Department have accumulated rich experience in curricula design, which are used in the formation of third-generation programs. Olga Sokolova, chair of the USUE Department of Foreign Languages, explained the modern approach to teaching a foreign language.

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