In Victory Waltz time

For the fourth time, the patriotic action "Victory Waltz", which  founder  is Ural State University of Economics, gathered on the square in front of the university about a thousand  of Yekaterinburg residents and guests of the city.

"Victory Waltz" proudly follows the destiny of the "Immortal Regiment": the action turns into an international public movement to remain the memory of the WWII generation. This year, apart from the regions of Russia, the Republic of Kazakhstan - the city of Atyrau - joined the action. The organizer of the action in the northern capital of Russia was St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, in the Sakhalin Region - Sakhalin State University of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The Perm Krai was presented by Kungur, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District - by Nadym,  Pskov Oblast – by Lavry village. In Sverdlovsk Oblast, "Victory Waltz" was supported by the residents of Alapaevsk, Upper Sinyachikha, Upper Pyshma, Kosulino, and Ust-Salda .

Traditionally, the start of the action was given by the USUE rector Yakov Silin. "The victorious spring of 1945 became a strong connecting thread of all generations of Russians, a sign of eternal gratitude to the defenders of our Motherland, a symbol of the greatness, power, and glory of Russia. Celebrating the great holiday of the Victory Day is the spiritual and moral need of our people, the entire civil society. I want to express special thanks to the fallen soldiers and to those veterans who survived. I wish everyone all the best, good health and peace! " Yakov Silin  greeted the audience.

His message was supported by the participant of the Great Patriotic War, a USUE veteran Vitaly Legkhiy. He addressed students: "You are the future of Russia. Keep knowledge, love life, please the Earth with children and grandchildren! "

After the official part, the guests of the holiday saw the reconstruction of the pre-war, war -time and our days’ parades, as well as demonstration performances of  hand-to-hand fighting of the sports club "Alpha".

The most touching moment was, of course, a mass dance flash mob. To the lyric lines of the popular military song "Ah, These Clouds in the Blue", several hundred participants - children, students, teachers, and people of the older generation - began to waltz. Spectators and casual passers-by could not resist and also danced.

The beautiful act was completed with dancers and spectators lining up in giant letters that formed the symbolic word   "PEACE", and the launching of balloons into the sky.

After the official part, the visitors were attracted by interactive sites: demonstration performances in hand-to-hand fighting of the Alpha sports club, exhibition of mock-ups of WWII weapons from the university museum, field kitchen, and exposition of military archeology. The last one will present military relics brought by members of  the USUE  search group  "Honor and Memory" from the excavation site at the Kursk Bulge, as well as from an international expedition in the footsteps  World War I (Courcy, France). And at a military field kitchen everyone could taste a portion of buckwheat porridge with stew cooked following a army recipe.


For the fourth time, the patriotic action "Victory Waltz", which founder is Ural State University of Economics, gathered on the square in front of the university about a thousand of Yekaterinburg residents and guests of the city.

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