In the Sverdlovsk region, a Volunteer Resource Center The Power of the Urals was established

The Volunteer Resource Center of the Sverdlovsk region "The Power of the Urals" was established for the development of volunteer movement in the region. Already today, the center conducts work on training volunteers, providing educational services to organizations, and builds up their efficient work on interaction with authorities, business, and media.

"The volunteer movement is actively developing in our region and there are many volunteer organizations. Sverdlovsk region Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev announced 2017 in the Sverdlovsk region to be the Year of Volunteers; therefore, it is especially important for us to become one of the first regions of Russia, which will create a resource center.. Volunteers have successfully shown themselves at XXVII World Summer Universiade-2013 in Kazan, XXII Winter Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi, many other major competitions of the world level, and very soon the volunteers will gain an invaluable experience at the FIFA World Cup- 2018," Olga Glatskih, director of the Sverdlovsk region Department for Youth Policy noted.

"First of all, we plan to start an active work to identify the problems that our volunteer organizations (which number in the region is more than 250) face today; we will form the Public Council and develop the concept of volunteer forums. Sverdlovsk region became the fourteenth region, which will prepare volunteers for XXIX World Winter Universiade-2019 in Krasnoyarsk," Vladislav Ovchinnikov, head of the Volunteer   Resource Center of the Sverdlovsk region, said

Official group of the Resource Center of the Sverdlovsk region in the social network -

Ресурсный центр добровольчества Свердловской области «Сила Урала» создан для развития волонтерского движения в регионе. Уже сегодня центр ведет работу по обучению добровольцев, оказанию образовательных услуг организациям, а также занимается выстраиванием их эффективной работы по взаимодействию с органами власти, бизнесом и СМИ.

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