Council for Strategic Development has been established in the Sverdlovsk region

The purpose of the Council is an expert analysis of sectoral and cross-sectoral strategies for the development of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as strategies for municipalities’ socioeconomic development. The initiator of the Council establishment was the Ministry of Economy and Territorial Development of the Sverdlovsk region.

The first meeting of the Council, which took place on January 26, was attended by government officials, business figures, members of the public and science. Ural State University of Economics was represented by A. Glumov, head of the Office for Research, N. Vlasova, professor at the Department of Public and Municipal Administration,  and А. Antipin, associate professor at the Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management.

The meeting of the Council was opened by the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, the Chairman of the Council A.G. Vysokinsky. He said that an integral system of strategic and spatial planning was being created in the region, and the Council's tasks are to provide expert analysis of the documents being developed. He also stressed the interdisciplinary composition of the Council and its openness.

The first draft, which the Council discussed, was the Concept for Implementation of State Cultural Policy of the Sverdlovsk region for the period until 2035. The Minister of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region S. Uchaykina stressed that this was quite symbolic, as culture becomes an important factor of territorial development through the implementation of a new model of cultural policy in the region.

In the course of the first meeting, the drafts of the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Kushvinsky municipal district and the draft of the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Gornouralsk urban district were also considered.

The submitted draft strategies of municipalities were positively evaluated but they will require subsequent studies in terms of attracting investments and developing economic activity.

In general, the Council will consider and evaluate draft strategies of 73 municipal entities of the Sverdlovsk region, 18 sectoral and 4 cross-sectoral strategies.

The purpose of the Council is an expert analysis of sectoral and cross-sectoral strategies for the development of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as strategies for municipalities’ socioeconomic development. The initiator of the Council establishment was the Ministry of Economy and Territorial Development of the Sverdlovsk region.

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