USUE athletes took 1st and 3rd places in Sverdlovsk Region Universiade in table tennis

April 24, the Universiade of the Sverdlovsk Region in table tennis took place in Yekaterinburg at Yuzhny stadium. The USUE women's team consisted of Anastasia Pereverzeva (team captain), Valentina Snezhko (group 20-02-ZIO1), Tatyana Lukyanova (group M-19-3), and Ekaterina Semyonova (group 20-02-B1). The matches with other teams were not easy, and each game was hotly contested. However, USUE players overcame their nervousness in time and showed a steady and well-balanced game. It resulted in 3rd place!

The USUE men's team included Konstantin Kislitsyn (team captain), Maxim Pradedov (group M-20-3),  Danil Myasnikov (group 19-03-BD), and Mikhail Rozhkov (group EK-20-1). The athletes showed an excellent result: in games against 10 teams, they took 1st place!

We congratulate our girls and boys and wish them further success in sports and, of course, in their studies!

April 24, the Universiade of the Sverdlovsk Region in table tennis took place in Yekaterinburg at Yuzhny stadium. The USUE women's team consisted of Anastasia Pereverzeva (team captain), Valentina Snezhko (group 20-02-ZIO1), Tatyana Lukyanova (group M-19-3), and Ekaterina Semyonova (group 20-02-B1).

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