USUE published textbooks that know no equals!

The publishing house of Ural State University of Economics has published a series of textbooks under the general editorship of the founder of the USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Yevgeny Animitsa, and the Rector of the University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Yakov Silin. 

Each self-respecting department should have its own textbooks in its disciplines. This allows taking rightful place in the scientific world. As the head of the department, I dreamed that we would have these books, practically from the moment the department was founded. These publications are joint deliverables of our teachers from 1993 to 2020. The books will be kept in libraries of economic universities throughout Russia. It is important to note that there have not yet been any textbooks on municipal economics in our country! We were the first to create this standard by combining different scientific views on this discipline, starting from pre-revolutionary times to the present day. In the coming days, Yakov Petrovich Silin will send a copy of the book to each municipality of the Sverdlovsk region,” Yevgeny Animitsa said.   

Municipal Economics is a course of lectures based on the experience of teaching the discipline at USUE, accumulated from 1993 to 2020, revealing the general theoretical and methodological foundations of municipal economics. The book is intended for master’s students mastering professional competencies in public administration and postgraduates and university professors studying economics. 

The textbook Regional Economics will be useful for master’s students and postgraduates studying Economics and State and Municipal Administration as well as for experts and practitioners in these areas. Particular attention in the book is paid to the evolution of the subject field of regional economics, the disclosure of allocation theory, and contemporary views of regional development.    

These textbooks can be used in advanced training and retraining of public servants and business managers related to government authorities and involved in social and economic planning.


The publishing house of Ural State University of Economics has published a series of textbooks under the general editorship of the founder of the USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Yevgeny Animitsa, and the Rector of the University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Yakov Silin. 

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