USUE discussed the latest trends and challenges in HR management at educational institutions

Ural State University of Economics hosted a roundtable discussion on Strategic Personnel Management in Education: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities. 

The event was held in a combined face-to-face and online format and about 300 officials of secondary vocational education, universities, schools, as well as territorial departments of education, took part in it. They made reports on the pandemic impact on the education system, talked about the need for digitalization in it, and looked for ways to prevent and eliminate the shortage of teaching staff.

“In his last messages to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Head of State speaks about the growing role of science and education in the life of the country, in its economy, and social sphere. The education system should be unified, from a kindergarten to a university, and in this matter, the strategy for managing educational organizations is of fundamental importance. It is through it that the system of training high-skilled professionals is built, many of whom will take positions in educational institutions in the future,” USUE rector Yakov Silin opened the meeting. 

“The future of our children depends on how we appreciate the problems facing educational institutions, which means that teachers and administrators of schools, colleges, and universities cannot afford to be ignorant people. I am grateful to USUE for its great contribution to the training of proper specialists," Yuri Zelenov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk region, continued the talk.  

At the end of the event, the participants thanked the organizers and partners for an interesting conversation on the competencies of teachers and their professional careers.

Ural State University of Economics hosted a roundtable discussion on Strategic Personnel Management in Education: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities.

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