July 27 at 10 a.m., for the first time USUE launched online entrance examinations. More than 300 applicants for bachelor’s programs were the first to take exams. Students working for the University Admissions Office helped applicants to connect using remote technologies through the Microsoft Teams program, and members of the examination board and admissions officers monitored compliance with the conditions for passing entrance examinations. 

 An online exam was opened by the Head of Admissions, USUE rector Yakov Silin and executive secretary of Admissions Office, vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods, and Quality of Training Dmitry Karkh, personally making sure that the electronic connection went smoothly.    

 The identification of applicants began an hour before the exam - at 9 o'clock. Having obtained access to the examination materials, the applicant within 90 minutes could answer the test questions on the subject. By the way, the first exam to pass was the Russian language.

 USUE students, who work for the Admissions Office during the summer holidays, were divided into teams that process applicants' data, answer their questions, conduct entrance exams, and form applicants' personal files.  

 Before the exam start, admissions officers warn, “If your actions seem suspicious or incorrect to us, we have the right to cancel your results. Please do everything honestly." And, indeed, one does not get to crib: the applicant's workplace is clearly visible at the USUE monitor. 

July 27 at 10 a.m., for the first time USUE launched online entrance examinations. More than 300 applicants for bachelor’s programs were the first to take exams. Students working for the University Admissions Office helped applicants to connect using remote technologies through the Microsoft Teams program, and members of the examination board and admissions officers monitored compliance with the conditions for passing entrance examinations.

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