Patriotic contest winners were awarded at USUE

Ural State University of Economics summed up the contest of essays dedicated to the 100th  anniversary of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army: "Russian Armed Forces from the Revolution to Our Days." The event was held within the framework of the action "Heroes Are Among Us".

This year 100 high school and university students competed for prizes. The students submitted to the jury their essays, compositions, and drawings covering a patriotic topic. The main selection criteria were clearly expressed author's position, creativity and original style of presentation. "This year, the jury noted both an increase in the number of works and their quality. There are bright, interesting, non-standard works, which express a truly mature position. All works deserve attention, and we were choosing the best from very good works. I would like to note that such events need to be carried out systematically," Roman Krasnov, USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work said.

The meeting with the winners was attended by the adviser to the USUE Rector, Hero of the Russian Federation Sergey Voronin. He personally handed out awards to the students who took first places and addressed all participants, “Any day now we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. On the national scale, this is a huge period with many wars and military conflicts, where our army forged its today's image. The fact that our army is one of the strongest in the world today is credited to your parents and those who were on the front lines and on the home front during the wars. I wish each of you to exercise will and patriotic consciousness."

The competition of creative works is held at USUE for the second time and will become an annual event. The winners of this year are ready again to start competing for prizes in the next patriotic contest.

Anastasia Shchekolova, laureate of the contest of drawings among 8th and 9th graders: "I was advised to take part in the contest by my teachers. I do not draw professionally but I took the prize-winning place and wish to participate next year."

Sofya Polyakova, laureate of the drawing contest among 5-7graders: "The idea to show the attitude to the war of three generations in one drawing was suggested by my father. We together thought over the plot of the picture. Since I studied drawing a little, it was not difficult to portray my plans. I think next year I would take part again."

Ural State University of Economics summed up the contest of essays dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army: "Russian Armed Forces from the Revolution to Our Days." The event was held within the framework of the action "Heroes Are Among Us".

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