USUE hosted an awards ceremony for the participants and winners of the XIV   International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest. More than 100 thousand high school students from Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan took part in the competition.

 Ural State University of Economics became the only site in Yekaterinburg where the final of the Contest was held. The participants showed their knowledge in 14 disciplines through in-person and remote stages. The intellectual marathon was running throughout the academic year. The organizers of the Contest - Teacher’s House of the Ural Federal District and USUE - thanked the participants for their interest in contests and awarded them diplomas and valuable prizes.

USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergei Rogozhin welcomed the students, "I congratulate you on becoming participants of these Contests. It is important to look for your place in the world, do not stop searching, and then you will definitely achieve success."

The organizers noted that the number of participants was increasing every year. This is specially credited with teachers who help their students prepare for the contests.

For example, in Yekaterinburg school № 7, only in the English Contest 21 students reached the final. Two of them became "gold" winners. The teacher of English Tatiana Shishkina says that such a number of contestants is possible only with the great desire of children and their love for knowledge.

"We have been participating in the International contests for several years and have already become prize-winners, but this year the result of our work has made us happy. I am very grateful to the organizers for giving children an opportunity to realize their dreams and goals, and school their tempers," Tatiana Shishkina comments.

It should be noted that the International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest has been held for 14 years. During this time, its participants were hundreds of thousands of children, thousands of schools and teachers.

USUE hosted an awards ceremony for the participants and winners of the XIV International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest. More than 100 thousand high school students from Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan took part in the competition.

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