International experience of postgraduate study was discussed at USUE

A roundtable with international participation "Foreign experience of implementation of the third level of higher education" was held on February 14 at USUE. The key speaker was Dina Williams, professor at the Business School of the University of Leeds (UK), whose arrival became possible thanks to the support of the British Consulate in Yekaterinburg.

The organizers of the roundtable were the Ural branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, the USUE Institute of Economics, and the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration. More than 30 people took part in the roundtable, including officials of the USUE Office for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and Advanced Training of Academic Personnel, representatives of USUE Council of Young Scientists, faculty members and postgraduates of our University and Ural Federal University.

The purpose of the roundtable was to study the international experience of implementing the third level of higher education and to discuss the set of competences applicable to academic staff.

Participants of the roundtable discussed the following issues:

- the set of competences applicable to  academic staff and approved by the  Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (UK);

- international requirements for postgraduate programs;

- international criteria for awarding academic degrees.

In the process of discussion, the participants of the roundtable decided on the necessity of developing such qualities of a modern researcher as the ability to conceptualize, design, and implement a scientific project to create new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of discipline and to adjust the design of a scientific project in the context of unforeseen circumstances.

The participants agreed that it was necessary to conduct trainings and seminars aimed at forming the research competences of young scientists. Together with the USUE Office for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and Advanced Training of Academic Personnel, it was decided to look into the possibility of organizing seminars and roundtables on scientific literature review, methods for processing statistical data, and the formation of presentation skills.

Professor N. Vlasova, Department of Public and Municipal Administration

A roundtable with international participation "Foreign experience of implementation of the third level of higher education" was held on February 14 at USUE. The key speaker was Dina Williams, professor at the Business School of the University of Leeds (UK), whose arrival became possible thanks to the support of the British Consulate in Yekaterinburg.

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