Issues of neo-industrialization of the Urals and Russia were discussed at USUE

 USUE hosted the opening of the Ural Economic Forum “Urals - a Driver of Neo-Industrial and Innovative Development of Russia” organized by the Free Economic Society of Russia, its Ural Branch, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Ural State University of Economics.

Sergey Bodrunov, the President of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, Director of the S. Witte Institute of New Industrial Development, Doctor of Economics, professor, an expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Doctor of Plekhanov University of Economics, Professor Emeritus of USUE, greeted the participants of the forum: “I thank the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia and Ural State University of Economics for what they are doing to develop the country's economy, Russian science, industry, production, and Russian industrialization. Thank you for your activities!”

The event gathered representatives of science, business, public associations, government and local authorities, and heads of enterprises of the real sector of economy. Within two days, October 24 and 25, they will discuss the results of scientific research and the best practices of innovative development of Russian regions, as well as the prospects for their neo-industrial transformation.

“This is not the first year that we have been gathering in October at a scientific and practical conference devoted to the problems of industrialization. Having gained some experience, with the active support of VEO of Russia, we are holding a forum for the first time,” said Yakov Silin, USUE rector, a member of the Presidium of VEO of Russia, President of the Ural Branch of VEO of Russia, Doctor of Economics, professor.

The President of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vice-President of the Ural Branch of VEO of Russia Andrei Besedin made a report “Urals. Reset. Seven Key Trends Affecting the Macro-Region Economy.”

Rector of the Ural State Mining University, Doctor of Economics Alexei Dushin analyzed the problems of industrialization in the context of the Ural mining and metallurgical complex.

Konstantin Shkurevskikh, executive director of the Urals Optical-Mechanical Plant Production Association named after E.S. Yalamov, shared experience in the development of the defense industry in the context of neo-industrialization.  

It is worth noting that the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, in his welcomed letter wished comprehensive work and constructive discussions to the forum participants.

The event gathered representatives of science, business, public associations, government and local authorities, and heads of enterprises of the real sector of economy. Within two days, October 24 and 25, they will discuss the results of scientific research and the best practices of innovative development of Russian regions, as well as the prospects for their neo-industrial transformation.

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