New standard draft of a specialist in competition law was discussed at Ural State University of Economics

February 20, representatives of employers, professional communities, trade unions, and educational institutions discussed the requirements for a new professional standard and the necessary knowledge and skills for the performance of the labor function of a specialist in the field of competition law.

The meeting was attended by deputy head of the Sverdlovsk OFAS Russia Sergey Volkov, Rector of the Institute for Regional Development under the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Brylin, executive vice president of the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Tatyana Kansafarova, and the president of the Nizhny Tagil Chamber of Commerce and Industry Boris Sokolov. USUE at the meeting was represented by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergey Rogozhin, Director of the Institute of Finance and Law Maxim Maramigin, members of the Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation, and students majoring in Economics and Law.

The chair of the Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation Alexander Kurdyumov noted that the main objective of the professional activity of such a specialist is to prevent, stop and eliminate violations of the competition law as well as compensation for losses caused to any business entity by the violation of competition law. Managers of different levels, analysts, lawyers, economists, managers of financial, economic and administrative activities can become such specialists.

During the discussion, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergey Rogozhin expressed hope that this standard would become the main reference point for employers when training specialists in the field of competitive relations.

Proposals on finalization and introduction of this professional standard were sent to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

February 20, representatives of employers, professional communities, trade unions, and educational institutions discussed the requirements for a new professional standard and the necessary knowledge and skills for the performance of the labor function of a specialist in the field of competition law.

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