They discussed the development of HR sphere at USUE

Ural State University of Economics hosted XIII international research-to-practice conference "Decent Job as a Basis of Stable Society." It started some days ago as a part of the business program of the VIII national championship WorldSkills Hi-Tech 2021 at Yekaterinburg - EXPO. Today the conference continued its work at USUE.

The conference was attended by HR experts from Russia, France, Finland, and Belarus, both online and offline. The participants discussed HR management, digitalization in the labor area, new sources of personnel efficiency, the future of the labor market, and regulation of labor relations. There were four sessions with several dozen reporters.

The president of Sverdlovsk regional Association of HR Managers and Specialists, head of the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management, Svetlana Dolzhenko, stated the need to study the labor market and its mainstreams.  

"Today, much is talked about flexibility, the so-called soft skills, which should be developed just from student days. Besides, it is very popular to discuss the balance between work and private life. In particular, it is a matter of concern for people who work remotely (and since the beginning of the pandemic, there are more and more of them). To discuss all these nuances, we need this practice-to-research conference. After all, we spend almost half of our life at work, and we need to understand how HR- sphere is arranged," concluded Svetlana Dolzhenko.

Ural State University of Economics hosted XIII international research-to-practice conference "Decent Job as a Basis of Stable Society." It started some days ago as a part of the business program of the VIII national championship WorldSkills Hi-Tech 2021 at Yekaterinburg - EXPO". Today the conference continued its work at USUE.

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