USUE discussed the role of the Urals in the fate of the Romanov dynasty

July 17, Ural State University of Economics hosted the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the preparation for the 100th anniversary of the execution of the royal family "Urals in the Fate of the Romanovs".

2017 is the year of the 100th anniversary of the two Russian revolutions and marks the eve of one of the most notorious social and political events of the civil war period: shooting of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family.  So far, among the historical studies devoted to this topic, the criminal procedural aspects of this event have been poorly studied. 

"Experts from around the world argue and interpret these tragic events differently.  However, one way or other, this is the history of our country.  Today, we are waiting for interesting reports because the circumstances of the Romanovs death, investigations, search for the remains and their identification, as well as the historical consequences of the assassination still arouse interest in the scientific world," USUE Rector Yakov Silin opened the conference.

Scientists, ethnographers, historians, jurists of Yekaterinburg discussed the significance of the Urals during the civil war not only in the fate of the Romanovs but also in the Russian history as a whole. 

"The purpose of the conference is to try to establish liability for the execution of the royal family.  The level of investigation, both during the civil war and at present, does not allow to assess the full impact of the event and deliver a number of urgent issues for reinvigoration of historical research in this direction," USUE museum's director Igor Gannick said. 

Participants of the conference tried to answer questions about the military-political and economic situation, as well as the organization of criminal proceedings during the civil war.  In addition, the scientists focused on the problems of identification and research of the alleged remains of the royal family and the rehabilitation of the Romanov dynasty as victims of political repression. 

After the conference, the organizers will publish the conference information package. 

July 17, Ural State University of Economics hosted the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the preparation for the 100th anniversary of the execution of the royal family "Urals in the Fate of the Romanovs".

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