At USUE, freshers have learned about student associations

Freshers’ Week goes on at Ural State University of Economics. The students are actively involved in a new life: they are already getting acquainted with student associations, as well as the opportunities that the University provides.

To unfold one’s potential, immerse in science, implement a business plan, get support, earn money, or go on a journey – these are just a small list of what is available to every USUE student.

“We give an opportunity to immerse in science and help write papers. Students who show good results in research and have good academic performance can be transferred to state-funded places,” Alena Golubeva, the head of the Student Research Society, says. 

One can become stronger and faster at a sports student club.

“USUE has all the possibilities so that students can achieve serious sports results in football, basketball, hockey, or rock climbing. We have excellent fitness equipment. Everything is aimed at ensuring that a person develops, both physically and mentally,” Maxim Kocheryan, the head of the Office for Mass-Participation Sports and Health Promotion, says.

Everyone will find something to his or her liking. The University has a photo club, Litera literary club, film club, Atmosphere eco-club, Legion military-patriotic club, and  Sterkh tourist club.

Those young people who already from their student days want to earn money may join student brigades. During the academic year, they undergo special training, and in summer, they put knowledge to use and receive money for this. 

The Miss USUE project was presented to the female half of the audience. The most beautiful and the most talented representatives of the student body can try their fortune in this contest

Freshers’ Week goes on at Ural State University of Economics.

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