The best teach at USUE!

By decree of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, two USUE faculty members were awarded an annual governor’s prize as part of the state-run program “Development of the Education System and Implementation of Youth Policy until 2027.”  

Olga Chugunova, head of the USUE Department of Nutrition Technology, joined the ranks of the best professors in the region. And Vladimir Lazarev, deputy director of the USUE Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering, was named as Associate Professor of the Year.

“This is a victory for the entire team,” Olga Chugunova shares her impressions. “When awarding the prize, the organizers consider the administrative work of applicants in holding scientific conferences, competitions, and forums. This requires a lot of teamwork. Therefore, I consider the award as a recognition of our common merits.”

Every year, 12 teachers of higher educational institutions in the Sverdlovsk region are awarded the governor’s prize. The applicants number in dozens. Besides administrative work, they take into account a number of scientific publications, lectures delivered and events held abroad, the number of postgraduate and doctoral students who defended their theses.

“I am very grateful to the USUE Office of Scientometrics, Research and Ratings,” Vladimir Lazarev says. “They helped us correctly consider the result of scientific work: prepare references, certificates, diplomas, and date-lines of publications. Among our competitors, there were very eminent scholars with many scientific publications. However, our advantage was in versatility of our work at USUE. They also took this into account when awarding the prize.”

Both winners show no sign of letting up and continue to develop their research. This year, Olga Chugunova put a lot of effort into her students: she prepared two of them to defend their dissertations for Ph.D. degree and one—for doctor’s of technical sciences degree. Vladimir Lazarev is working on his doctoral thesis. The award motivates him to continue his scientific work, as well as to pass on his knowledge to the younger generation - USUE students, who will bring new victories to the university.

Congratulations to our teachers!

The best associate professor and the best professor of the Sverdlovsk region work at USUE

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