USUE hosts the conference dedicated to the anniversary of Valery Poznyakovsky

Today, Ural State University of Economics gathered eminent representatives of food industry. Technologists and scientists come from all over Russia for a conference devoted to the anniversary of the Honored Worker of Russian Federation Valery Poznyakovsky, professor at the USUE Department of Food Technologies, Doctor of Biology. Many of the participants know Valery Mikhailovich as a mentor and teacher.

As part of All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Innovative Technologies in Food Industry and Public Catering" , there was announced a plenary session and two roundtables on aspects, opportunities, priorities, production, and quality assessment in food industry.

The plenary session began with congratulations from all over Russia. Valery Poznyakovsky, a well-known founder of food for astronauts and athletes, received congratulations from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, and Kostanay (Kazakhstan).

The USUE Vice-Rector for Research Elena Dvoryadkina welcomed the participants and congratulated the hero of the day, "Every year, our University is becoming the more powerful platform where we can discuss problems associated with the development of food industry, food technologies, and full range of issues that accompany them. Based on the existing and new trends that accompany the development of public catering and food industry, it is important not to stop at what has been achieved, to perceive new ideas, to study them, and to implement them. For students, this conference is an opportunity to listen to remarkable scientists engaged in development of new food products and commodity science. I am confident that the new ideas that will be discussed today will serve as a source for further research." The Vice-Rector awarded Valery Pozdyakovsky a USUE honorary diploma.

Head of the research school at the Siberian Federal Scientific, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Konstantin Motovilov handed a Certificate of Acknowledgment, a diploma and a medal of the Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies to the anniversary celebrant. "We are honoring the talented, ingenious person. He conquered Europe, the Urals and the Far East. Everything that has been done by him is fine. As they say, human resources are key and it is he who trains these human resources," Konstantin Motovilov summed up.

After congratulations, the participants of the plenary session listened to the reports delivered by Professor Ivan Gorlov -"New Approaches in Development of Efficient Technologies for Production of Meat and Dairy Products," Konstantin Motovilov -"Nanotechnologies Are the Tool for Implementation of Food and Environmental Security," Valery Poznyakovsky -"Prospects of Nutrition Science Development", and Tatiana Mazhaeva - "Strategic Solutions for Modeling the Nutritional Value of Foods as Part of Risk Management for Public Health."

The reports of the plenary session aroused the intense interest of the audience and their discussion continued during roundtables.

Today, Ural State University of Economics gathered eminent representatives of food industry. Technologists and scientists come from all over Russia for a conference devoted to the anniversary of the Honored Worker of Russian Federation Valery Poznyakovsky, professor at the USUE Department of Food Technologies, Doctor of Biology. Many of the participants know Valery Mikhailovich as a mentor and teacher.

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