The meeting of the Dissertation Council takes place at USUE

June 5, 2018, at the dissertation council D 212.287.01 of Ural State University of Economics   Svetlana Orekhova defends her thesis "Drawing up of the methodology of metallurgical enterprise sustainable development based on the resource-institutional approach."

Svetlana Orekhova's dissertation is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and Management of National Economy.

The scientific advisor was Valery Zhoresovich Dubrovsky, Doctor of Economics, director of the Institute of Economics, professor at the USUE  Department of Enterprise Economics.

The research subject was economic relations that arise in the formation of a mechanism for the sustainable development of a metallurgical enterprise.

The dissertation research is devoted to the development of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the resource-institutional approach aimed at improving the mechanism of sustainable development of an industrial enterprise (the case of metallurgical enterprises).




June 5, 2018, at the dissertation council D 212.287.01 of Ural State University of Economics Svetlana Orekhova defends her thesis "Drawing up of the methodology of metallurgical enterprise sustainable development based on the resource-institutional approach."

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