Open Day at USUE

On Sunday, March 25, at 12:00 at Ural State University of Economics (Yekaterinburg, 62, 8 Marta Str., metro station «Geologicheskaya») an Open Day will be held for entrants and their parents. You can get information for admission to the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and postgraduate programs.

There will be an Hour of Questions and Answers with USUE Rector Yakov Silin. The guests will become acquainted with the University administration, directors of institutes, members of the departments, heads of the extramural faculty, USUE College, the Institute of Continuing Education, the Center for Distance Learning, and the specialists of the admission committee. You will receive information about the areas of training and about the peculiarities of this year admission.

The guests will be offered excursions around the university, presentation of learning, research and extracurricular activities.

On Sunday, March 25, at 12:00 at Ural State University of Economics (Yekaterinburg, 62, 8 Marta Str., metro station «Geologicheskaya») an Open Day will be held for entrants and their parents. You can get information for admission to the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and postgraduate programs.

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