The lecture of ENU professors at USUE

February 9, a public lecture of ENU professors Olga Lashkareva and Botagoz Saparova (Astana) "Transfer pricing: theory and practice" was held at Ural State University of Economics. The organizers of the lecture were the Department of Financial Management and the Institute of Continuing Education.

The lecture discussed the key trends in this area in the CIS countries, which caught the interest of the students and young specialists present. The practitioners from the Department of Financial Management shared Russian experience in the field of transfer pricing. The discussion was attended by Nikolai Mezenin, Ekaterina Yalunina, Petr Novozhilov, Elina Zakirova, Andrei Payusov, and the faculty of the ENU Entrepreneurship Department.

The pilot project FINNANO launched in 2017 by the Department of Financial Management in cooperation with the Institute of Continuing Education continues to implement its own projects. FINNANO includes public lectures and training seminars, videoconferences and practice-oriented excursions aimed at forming an open professional community of scientists, practitioners, and experts in the field of financial management.

9 февраля в Уральском государственном экономическом университете прошла открытая лекция профессоров ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева Ольги Лашкаревой и Ботогаз Сапаровой (Астана) на тему: «Трансфертное ценообразование: теория и практика». Организаторами лекции выступили кафедра финансового менеджмента и Институт непрерывного образования.

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