USUE hosted Lomonosov Readings - 2017

November 24, the Department of Physics and Chemistry of Ural State University of Economics held the youth scientific and practical conference "Lomonosov Readings - 2017". Young scientists from different regions of Russia (Novosibirsk, Perm, Samara, Orel, etc.) and neighboring countries (Minsk, Donetsk) presented their papers at the conference.

The spectrum of the conference areas is quite wide: natural sciences, techniques and technology, information technologies, and education system. Reports were made by freshers, postgraduates, and young scientists.

Young physicists from RSVPU Alexander Sosnin, Mikhail Chernoskutov, and Anton Samoilov presented their inventions in the field of electronics. Their reports were highly appreciated by the audience.

USUE young scientists Maria Bukharinova and Ekaterina Khamzina told about the latest technologies for production of nanoparticles. The report of a starting investigator Alexander Tikhomirov (group MAPP-17) caused a discussion on the use of plastic packaging. Albina Mezrina (group UK-17) spoke about the achievements and prospects of «SPACE-X» Space project, and Valeria Mekhontseva (TPOP-17) disclosed some chemical aspects of modern cosmetics compounding.

Our University hosts the conference named after the great Russian scientist and enlightener at for the second time. Its organizers are sure that it would become an interesting platform for the development of young scientists.

24 ноября кафедра физики и химии Уральского государственного экономического университета провела молодежную научно-практическую конференцию на тему: «Ломоносовские чтения — 2017». Свои материалы представили молодые ученые из разных регионов России (Новосибирск, Пермь, Самара, Орел и т.д.), а также из ближнего зарубежья (Минск, Донецк).

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