Meetings of dissertational councils were held at USUE

Today, two meetings of dissertational councils were held at Ural State University of Economics.Ph.D. dissertations were defended by Natalia Kuzmina and Nikolai Nikolaev.

The participants of the meeting were USUE Rector Yakov Silin, Vice-Rector for Research Elena Dvoryadkina, chair of the Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management Yevgeny Animitsa, the dean of the School of Extramural Studies Dmitry Karkh, director of the Institute of Economics Valery Dubrovsky, and others.

Natalia Kuzmina presented her work "Development of Local Food Markets of the Industrial-Agrarian Region in the Context of Inter-Municipal Socio-Economic Differentiation". The dissertational work was carried out at the USUE Department of Regional and Municipal Economics.

Nikolay Nikolaev demonstrated the results of his work "Methodical Approach to Improving Labor Efficiency Based on Managing the Involvement of Personnel in the Activities of a Small Enterprise." The thesis was submitted for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in specialty Economics and Management of the National Economy. The work was carried out at the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management.

"The management of the personnel’s involvement in the activities of a small enterprise is carried out through a rational combination of general and individual methods by changing the socio-economic conditions for the formation of involvement in the organization and the targeted impact on the motives of employees' work," Nikolai Nikolayev said.

Let us note that to date at USUE there are three dissertational councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of doctor (candidate) of sciences.

Today, two meetings of dissertational councils were held at Ural State University of Economics. Ph.D. dissertations were defended by Natalia Kuzmina and Nikolai Nikolaev.

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