In April 2019, USUE and SIBE signed a memorandum on cooperation, but the plans were interrupted by the pandemic. Today, the University and one of the most prestigious business schools in Germany are ready to discuss specific interaction programs.

At the meeting, Ural State University of Economics was represented by USUE Rector, Yakov Silin, Vice-Rector for Research, Viktor Kovalev, Vice-Rector for Social Work, Roman Krasnov, and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh. From SIBE, the participants were Prof . Dr . Dr . h . c . Werner G. Faix, CEO, Ardin Jalali, Director of International & MBA Programs, Sina Rockenbauch, Head of International & MBA Programs, and Verena Baiz, Marketing and Communications Specialist.

SIBE officers came up with a proposal to jointly implement an advanced Master’s program in leadership, with the participation of USUE teachers as tutors. Classes will be held in a distance format, as a series of consultations without classical lectures and seminars. The program will be one year long. In the end, the students will defend projects to be then introduced into the practical activities of enterprises or the social life of modern society. Such practice-oriented training will result in a diploma of advanced training highly valued by the international industrial community.

For its part, USUE, which has extensive experience of productive interaction with industrial enterprises, proposed SIBE to organize a Eurasian summer business school in 2022 in the Urals for representatives of industrial enterprises of Stuttgart and students of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), with which USUE was cooperating for more than three years.

At the end of the meeting, USUE Rector Yakov Silin invited SIBE officials to participate in the III Ural Economic Forum "Ural as a Driver of Neoindustrial Development," which will be held in October 2021. SIBE CEO Werner G. Faix confirmed the School's participation in the forum and noted that experts working for the Industry 4.0 Competence Center at the Business School would be interested in sharing their experience in advising companies on the Industry 4.0 concept realization in the industrial sector of Germany.

There was an online meeting of officials of Ural State University of Economics and the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) of Steinbeis University.

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